Compare And Contrast Gatsby And Tom.

Compare and contrast gatsby and tom. – Compare and contrast Gatsby and Tom, two iconic characters from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. This exploration delves into their similarities, differences, and the impact they have on Daisy Buchanan, revealing the complexities of human nature and the American Dream.

Through a meticulous analysis of their backgrounds, motivations, and interactions, we uncover the profound ways in which Gatsby and Tom shape the narrative, leaving an indelible mark on readers’ minds.

Similarities between Gatsby and Tom

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Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, two prominent characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby,” share several striking similarities. Both men are wealthy, socially prominent, and possess an intense desire for Daisy Buchanan. This table Artikels their shared characteristics:

Characteristic Gatsby Tom
Wealth Immensely wealthy, acquired through questionable means Inherited wealth from an established family
Social Status Nouveau riche, seeking acceptance into East Egg society Old money, established member of East Egg elite
Desire for Daisy Unrequited love, pursued her relentlessly Married to Daisy, but possessive and unfaithful
Ambition Driven to achieve success and gain Daisy’s love Complacent and lacking in ambition

These similarities create a complex dynamic between Gatsby and Tom, as they compete for Daisy’s affection and navigate the social hierarchy of the Jazz Age.

Differences between Gatsby and Tom

Compare and contrast gatsby and tom.

While Gatsby and Tom share certain similarities, they also exhibit significant differences in their personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. These differences contribute to the distinct roles they play in the novel and shape their interactions with other characters.


  • Gatsby:Idealistic, romantic, and enigmatic. He is driven by a desire to recapture the past and prove himself worthy of Daisy’s love.
  • Tom:Arrogant, cynical, and brutish. He is motivated by a sense of entitlement and a desire to maintain his social status.


  • Gatsby:Came from a humble background and made his fortune through questionable means. He reinvents himself to pursue Daisy, but his past continues to haunt him.
  • Tom:Comes from an old-money family and inherited his wealth. He is well-educated and has a secure social position.

Motivations, Compare and contrast gatsby and tom.

  • Gatsby:Driven by love for Daisy and a desire to prove himself. He believes that money and status can buy happiness and love.
  • Tom:Motivated by a sense of superiority and a desire to maintain control. He sees Gatsby as a threat to his social position and marriage.

Gatsby’s Perspective on Tom

Compare and contrast gatsby and tom.

Gatsby’s perspective on Tom is complex and evolves throughout the novel. Initially, Gatsby sees Tom as a wealthy and powerful man who can help him achieve his goal of winning back Daisy. However, as Gatsby gets to know Tom better, he comes to realize that Tom is a shallow, arrogant, and cruel man.

Gatsby’s opinion of Tom is further solidified when he witnesses Tom’s treatment of Myrtle Wilson.

Gatsby’s Initial Impression of Tom

When Gatsby first meets Tom, he is impressed by Tom’s wealth and power. Gatsby believes that Tom can help him achieve his goal of winning back Daisy. Gatsby also admires Tom’s confidence and his ability to get what he wants.

However, as Gatsby gets to know Tom better, he comes to realize that Tom is not the man he thought he was.

Gatsby’s Realization of Tom’s True Nature

As Gatsby gets to know Tom better, he comes to realize that Tom is a shallow, arrogant, and cruel man. Gatsby is disgusted by Tom’s treatment of Myrtle Wilson. Gatsby also comes to realize that Tom is not interested in Daisy at all.

Tom is only interested in keeping Daisy as a trophy wife.

The Impact of Gatsby and Tom on Daisy

Compare and contrast gatsby and tom.

Gatsby and Tom have significantly impacted Daisy’s life, shaping her thoughts, emotions, and actions. Their influence on her has been profound, both positive and negative.

Gatsby’s Influence on Daisy

  • Rekindling Lost Love:Gatsby’s unwavering pursuit of Daisy rekindled their long-lost love, bringing joy and excitement into her life.
  • Emotional Intensity:Gatsby’s intense and romantic nature ignited strong emotions in Daisy, making her feel alive and loved.
  • Hope for a Better Future:Gatsby’s wealth and lavish lifestyle offered Daisy a glimpse of a life beyond her current marriage, giving her hope for a brighter future.
  • Moral Conflict:Gatsby’s love for Daisy created a moral conflict for her, as she struggled to choose between her husband and her former lover.

Tom’s Influence on Daisy

  • Financial Security:Tom’s wealth and social status provided Daisy with a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle.
  • Social Acceptance:As Tom’s wife, Daisy enjoyed the privileges and respect that came with being part of the upper class.
  • Emotional Neglect:Tom’s indifference and infidelity caused Daisy emotional pain and loneliness.
  • Control and Manipulation:Tom’s controlling and manipulative behavior limited Daisy’s freedom and stifled her individuality.

Commonly Asked Questions: Compare And Contrast Gatsby And Tom.

How are Gatsby and Tom similar?

Both Gatsby and Tom are wealthy, ambitious men who desire Daisy Buchanan.

How are Gatsby and Tom different?

Gatsby is a self-made man who is driven by his love for Daisy, while Tom is an arrogant and entitled member of the upper class.

How does Gatsby view Tom?

Gatsby sees Tom as a threat to his relationship with Daisy.

How does Tom view Gatsby?

Tom views Gatsby as a social inferior and a threat to his social status.

What impact do Gatsby and Tom have on Daisy?

Gatsby’s love for Daisy gives her hope and makes her believe in the possibility of a better life, while Tom’s controlling and abusive behavior makes her feel trapped and unhappy.

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